What does one actually need to bake bread?

Baking bread yourself? That sounds complicated.

At least that's what I thought at first. However, I eventually discovered that bread baking can be quite simple, even though it took some time! Since I was curious, and no one in my friend circle baked bread, the first thing I did was go to the nearest kitchen supply store. I wanted to stock up on the necessary tools. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anyone in the store who could answer my many questions.

The search for the right kitchen tools

I soon set out on my own to search for expertise and tools. I compared countless products and eventually learned:

Baking and cooking is actually enjoyable, especially when you have the right tools and accessories!

Little by little, the most essential and versatile tools that I could find found their way into my kitchen. I chose manufacturers who still make their products by hand, because I wanted to invest in baking tools that would last for years.

Product selection at ROGGENWOLF stands for:

  • high-quality baking tools and cooking accessories
  • as few mass-produced goods as possible*
  • a focus on craftsmanship

Every product that you find in my online shop I've personally tested in my own kitchen. With my own products I also pay very close attention to the materials and the quality of the manufacturing that goes into their production.

For example:

  • Our ROGGENWOLF linen apron is sewn and embroidered in Hamburg.
  • The linen used in its production is produced by the Vieböck textile mill in Austria.
  • This linen is sourced from flax grown in Belgium, France, and Holland.
  • The unbleached cotton bands are made in Germany.

Furthermore: When you order one of our aprons, I ship it to you wrapped in paper instead of plastic. We avoid using any plastic in our shipping materials.

*not always the case: For example, dough scrapers are only available as mass-produced goods.

My Favorite Bread Recipe

I want to make it easier for others to start baking bread.

Back to my baking story: I love cheese, and I especially love bread with cheese. For this reason, I wanted a bread that had everything I love about bread: a moist crumb, a crispy crust, and above all, that aromatic flavor often found in southern German bakeries. In Hamburg, I couldn't find any bread that met my criteria. So I set out to make my own recipe. Through much painstaking research and experimentation I developed an expertise for the right baking tools and accessories, and along the way my bread recipe developed itself! So in the end, it was all worth it!

I now have a bread recipe that easily fits into my everyday routine.

This recipe constantly reminds me: Baking bread can be as easy as doing laundry.

If you're now thinking: I want to know what this amazing bread recipe is! Well, I'll reveal it in my online bread baking course!

Have you never baked bread before?

Did your attempts end with cursing? No enjoyment whatsoever? Then my bread baking course is right for you! You can find more information here.

ROGGENWOLF is my passion

I've had a passion for the culinary arts for as long as I can remember, and as a freelance stylist, my sense of aesthetics has become an integral part of my everyday life. With this online shop, I now combine these aspects to showcase high-quality kitchen tools and baking accessories that I am passionate about. I invite you into my kitchen, the beating heart of my existence. Let my journey inspire you and help you develop your own passion for bread baking.

The story behind the name ROGGENWOLF

The Roggenwolf (Rye Wolf) is a mythical creature from Germanic folklore and held various meanings across different regions. Some farmers would thank the wolf for dragging his tail through their fields, believing this improved their harvest. Others believed that the Roggenwolf was a sign of a bad harvest and that he made the soil infertile. Others simply saw this figure as a bogeyman. However, with the extermination of the wolf throughout Europe during the 19th century, these stories also disappeared.

Today, the wolf is slowly returning to Europe. With its return, I'd like to bring back the mythical creature of the Roggenwolf, but in a more positive light. Just as I want to demystify bread baking, I want to do the same for the Roggenwolf. Representing healthy soils, bountiful harvests, and good bread.

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